Cause Effective partners with hundreds of organizations each year that make a difference in communities throughout the Tri-State area. One of our nonprofit partners is Children of Promise, NYC (CPNYC) an organization that for ten years has provided after school programs and services to children and youth who have parents that are incarcerated. Like so many nonprofits, COVID19 has affected the ability for many organizations to serve the needs of some of the most vulnerable people in New York City.
Today, Cause Effective lifts up CPNYC as a great example of nonprofit resiliency! They have been able to pivot their fundraising and communications strategy in response to the pandemic and address the needs of the people they serve. Cause Effective has worked with the organization to launch CPNYC Cares, a campaign to support 110 families with immediate needs that they've identified and undoubtedly this number will grow.
The campaign was launched through online platforms with the goal of raising $40,000 and driving volunteer opportunities to support virtual mentoring, virtual homeschooling and donations like medicine for the sick. The campaign has raised $12,044 in 10 days from 71 donors, attracted new volunteers and has provided food to the families in need and new people in the surrounding area. CPNYC Cares will continue through the end of June. To find out how you can support CPNYC Cares, go to: https://www.cpnyc.org/cpnyc-cares